Wednesday 21 March 2012

Mum and Dad’s trip to Scotland – Take 2

The last trip to Scotland, Mum and Dad were blown away (literally!) So I was hoping this trip would be even better for them! It was great that the weekend coincided with Mother’s day as well! They arrived Thursday night, which was good timing as I arrived back from a work trip to the Netherlands, visiting Arnhem and Emmen. Friday I left them to their own devices, as I had work. I managed to finish up early and after an extended happy hour we all went out for Bangladeshi. The service could be described as frenetic! Saturday we were up early and away to the Highlands. I took them to Bruar. A venue where you can buy pretty much anything you want from cashmere scarves to Scottish short bread. Mum went shopping crazy. Dad and I were excellent clothes horses! We also managed a work up to the Falls of Bruar. When we arrived back at the flat Saturday evening we had a small problem... When I left the flat Saturday morning I neglected to take the keys for the flat as I had earlier separated them for M&D on Friday. In short, with Kim away for the weekend down south we were locked out of the flat! So how did we get in...? In the end after various panicked telephone calls I was kindly let in to the neighbours flat directly below ours, from there I hoisted myself up to our tiny deck and opened our lounge French doors. This was the second time I had been locked out of something when Mum and Dad were in Scotland! Saturday night we went to the movies and had a good laugh at the Best Exotic Marigold Hold, a story about old people embracing retirement in a new culture (India). Sunday we were up early again, the weather was fantastic! This time we drove up through Glenshee to Braemer. Here we stopped for a cup of coffee and cake. Mum bought some cups from a nice art gallery as well. We carried onto Banchory where we stopped to browse some outdoor stores and picked up a Subway and Hot Drinks for Lunch. Next we carried onto Stonehaven where we wandered along the seafront, past the picturesque port and up the hill to the War memorial. It was great to see the daffodils out in full force. We carried on further to Dunnator Castle, which I left Mum and Dad to explore. I walked back to pick up the car and collected them on the way done the coast through to Brechin. At Brechin, I booked high tea for Mum and Dad as a special Mothers day treat. We arrived back at Dundee to collect Kim from the train station victorious from her Squash match in Sheffield. Sunday night M+D packed and we had an early night. Very tired after a busy but enjoyable weekend.

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