Sunday 4 March 2012

Fort Augustus a weekend break

A romantic weekend away. Kim found a really good deal for two nights at the Inch Hotel through Groupon. For some unknown reason we both though that this would be at Loch Inch, but it actually was a bit further a field in Fort Augustus on the southern shore of Loch Ness. We packed quickly and left by 5 pm. There was a fair bit of traffic but the drive up was pleasant. However Kim was a wee bit distraught when I ran over for what I mistook to be only a leaf, but it was actually a frog (x 2 oops)! We went out for dinner at a pub on the Caledonian Canal. I had a steak pie and Kim Fish and Chips. A nice sleep in a very comfy bed was very much enjoyed on Saturday morning. We feasted a top notch breakfast, I had the omelete and Kim waffles with berries. We headed into the ‘metropolis’ that is fort Augustus and went to information centre for Ideas. First we went to an animal farm. It was a bit rundown but we had heaps of fun taking photo’s of the Highland Cows, Goats, Donkeys and Sheep. Next we decided on a picturesque walk around the area which killed a couple of hours. Afterwards we roamed around Fort Augustus, popping in to some of the local shops. I bought a woollen jersey and treated Kim to a Scottish shawl. After picking up some snacks from the Co-op we went back to the Hotel and chilled for the rest of the afternoon. Dinner was booked for 7.30pm so we relaxed in the lounge over a few drinks and played Mexican trains. We even got talking to a Kiwi process engineer from New Plymouth working for Shell in Aberdeen. Dinner was really nice, I had the haddock and Kim went for the Lamb. Sunday we had another scrummy breakfast and checked out early. We were on the local golf course by 9 a.m. Interesting course, it was very tight and if you strayed off the sheep strewn fairways into the bracken you were punished with a lost ball. We had lots of fun and we played a few good shots amongst a lot of bad ones! After 9 holes I was busting for the toilet and we had to dash back to Fort Augustus for an emergency stop. We left around Midday to Fort William, where we stopped for Lunch and stopped at the information centre to pick up information for my lads weekend in May. It was turning into a brilliantly sunny day so after Lunch we went for a 45 minute walk, through forest and past some impressive waterfalls. The drive back was uneventful at least this time I didn’t kill any frogs!

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