So here I am on my debut solo blog entry. I am looking forward to an epic 2009. Here is a bit of a catch up from what I have been up to in these last few months. I travelled back to NZ on December 4th 2008, my trip was two-fold, one to sort out my HSMV and two to spend time with family and friends over the Festive period. I touched down with Korean air in Auckland on a warm sunny Saturday afternoon, I had instantly forgotten about 3 degree temperatures that I left behind in London. Even though I have only been away 6 months, a number of differences between here and the UK immediately stuck out: 1 how friendly NZ's really are - the samoan bus driver lady on the airport shuttle bus was very talkative, 2 how quiet NZ is - no cars, no people pushing push you on the pavement and 3 how wide NZ roads are. I bused into the city and crashed at Dad's pad, feeling rather jet lagged from the long haul. I woke up quite early and went for a run around to mission bay, still a bit ginger from my marathon. Megan came around late Sunday morning, it was such a nice day we decided to try and work on my pasty white body so we headed to Muriwai beach, we picked up Tom and his surfboard on the way after stopping in and quickly looking at Megan's flat in Herne Bay. Muriwai was quite popular as people were out throwing frisbees and playing touch. We went for a couple of swims and I flailed rather poorly on Toms surfboard. We took a couple of pictures on the rocks then headed over the hill to the gannet colony, it was pretty amazing. I didn't realise the birds each had their own little piece of real estate on the rock! On the way back in good kiwi fashion we picked up some Icecream’s. The drive home was quite hot (because megans car doesn't have air con) so we decided to head to Orakei beach for another dip. Back at Dad's pad I cooked for M+T can't remember what it was but it must have been good (I remember now it was a Thai green curry). The following day was time to sort out my biometrics, I borrowed Megs car and drove out to the immigration centre in Henderson. Took the turn off too soon and ended up in the wrong suburb, was driving rather erratically and a housewife pulled in behind me got out and tried to offer me directions, how embarrassing. Biometrics took 5 minutes (such a waste of time). Next day Meg and I rolled up to the valet parking at the Koru club in the pouring rain, then flew down to Wellington for GB's capping. I had a few drama's with the new 7kg hand luggage rules. GB picked us up from the airport. Gav's parade unfortunately got canned, but he was looking sharp in his gown. Before lunch I went and hand mailed my biometric stuff to Mary at the high commission while the others watched Gavin blink his way through a photo shoot; Then we all went out to the boatshed for a superb meal (I had steak I think) (Granddad, Chloe, MK, Dad, Mum and myself were present). Following lunch the ceremony was around mid afternoon, so we had time for a few snappys around the civic centre beforehand. It was a very good capping ceremony with memorable performances/talks from the Wellington boys choir (samoan slapping song) and the CEO of NZ post. Then we got onto the clap-a-thon, Gav's capping went smoothly unlike his older brothers! Upon finishing we shuffled out for pastries and mini pies served on RA napkins! Which Grandad later received as his Xmas present. Back to the "city-life" hotel for a few celebratory drinks and general catch ups. Next day, Dad and Meg flew back up to AKL and Mum, Granddad and I drove back up to N.P. We hit the road early, I drove most of the way as Mum twinged her back; We stopped for a coffee and muffin in Whanganui. Good to be home, and good to see Abbey, Caitlin and Mark. It was only a brief pause at home before Mum and I embarked on a famous road trip to Auckland for the Billy Joel concert. It began on Friday and it was the road trip of all road trips, we went NP --> Awakino --> Marakopa --> Kawhia --> Raglan --> Aotea harbour --> Pukekohe --> AKL. So pretty much hugged the west coast of the N.I. Nice country, definitely going back! Highlights were Marakopa, lowlights were there being no hot pies in Kawhia and Mum's dodgy directions.
The weekend was made up of three events, the Billy Joel concert, the trip out to Whangaparoa penninsula and Christmas in the park. M,D+I awoke early on Saturday so we went for a walk under the harbour bridge to Herne bay. After breakfast Megan and I went and had a whack of tennis. In the afternoon Mum Dad Megan and I went for a tiki tour out to the whangaparoa peninsula and gulf harbour. We ran around on red beach then went for a couple of swims at Stanmore bay and Te Haruhi bay (photo in the photo frame). We also checked out the marina and had photos with the flash yacht's pretending they were ours. Saturday night was Christmas in the park at the Domain, Mum put on a nice picnic spread and we washed it down with a few pures. The theme event was sponsered by SLSNZ and instead of a sleigh they had a surf boat complete with fireworks. The Billy Joel concert was on the Sunday night at the vector arena, so we all assembled at Dad's pad for another wonderful spread from Mum, (present - Mum, Dad, Rob P, Sandra P, Kerry, Mark, Carey) + Megan + Tom, but they were too cool for the concert. It was great show, what a performer, memorable moments being his antics with the fly swat, his amazing talent as a pianist and the song italian restaurant. Back at Dads apartment we all listened to BJ CD's before everyone had to head home.
Mum and I headed back to N.P on Monday via the conventional route. Back in the Naki, if I wasn't surfing, swimming or lounging round the house I was doing a few jobs for Mum. I fixed the halogen light in the kitchen, cleaned the fly-spots of the family room ceiling, scrubbed down the two decks, took 6 feet of the front hedge and other odds and sods. Time wasn't totally spent doing chores, I also caught up with Jon Profitt (poker night and pub quiz), went fishing with Gav with the Kayaks (caught 2 Mau Mau), went Diving with Mark and his work mates round the coast for Paua, and a spot of house hunting with Mark and Caitlin around the North Taranaki coastline. Christmas eve Megan and I went out on the town in the Naki and caught up with some old school mates, afterwards we went to midnight mass (a wee bit tipsy) and stretched our vocal chords. Christmas was a family affair, I think we had 17 in total. Most of us went for the compulsory Xmas swim quite early. Then after brekkie we congregated at Marks place and rapidly went through the present session. Xmas lunch was at huge feast around the table-tennis table which was wonderfully orchestrated by Mum. The afternoons entertainment was a 9 hole pitch and putt course designed by me around the lawns at 39 and 41 Hamblyn st. 4 teams of 4, the winning team at the end was Julie, Sange, Mark and Rob N. Great fun was had by all. Prebbles had to leave to their batch late afternoon, so that was Xmas 2008. Boxing day was all about sports. GB, Dad Megan and I with G'dad as caddy/coach had a round at Manakorihi, some good and not so good golf at the same time. I had a 98 with a few pars and a birdy but a few 9's to boot. Tennis in the afternoon was rotating doubles at Boys' High, good fun. A swim rounded off an active boxing day.
On the 27th Gav and I took off in his/my car towards the east coast, we collected Chloe in Rotovegas on the way before staying with the Prebs at their batch at lake Rotoiti. Weather wasn't that flash so we spent the majority of the short visit playing cards or soaking in the hot pools. GB dropped me off in a wet Ohope. Ohope was all about chilling out. I crashed at the old flat above the Dairy. Jamie and Dan Lynch, Tim, Dan Hall and Carl were all there, as well as about 7 girls (friends of Jamie's sister) Most days were a mix of beers on the deck and swims. We also played indoor sports at Trident Gym, beach soccer, beach volleyball, frisbee and many many games of euchre. A spot of fishing was also on the cards, both off the spit and on the boat with Graham. We weren't that successful onshore but managed to catch snapper, trevali and Kawai on the boat. I caught up with a few mates in Ohope, Jules, Ivan and jase. Other memorable moments were nights playing darts at the charty, seeing the New Year in on the deck with the firewoks on the beach and watching the cricket (aus v SA) on the TV. Around the third I hitched up to the Mount and caught up with the Houston's and M+D. Drove to Hamilton where M+I caught an extremely slow bus back to N.P. at least the bus driver was enthusiastic. While I was on holiday my visa came through, so I brought my flights forward a few days. Had a few relationship issues with Sarah so decided it was time to move on. So my long kiwi summer was nearing an end, great weather, good family + mates time and visa sorted. I kind of got that end of school holiday feeling, but at the same time I was looking forward to continuing my OE. So caught a flight up to Auckland and flew out on the 15th January after goodbyes. Ka kite NZ.
Mum and I headed back to N.P on Monday via the conventional route. Back in the Naki, if I wasn't surfing, swimming or lounging round the house I was doing a few jobs for Mum. I fixed the halogen light in the kitchen, cleaned the fly-spots of the family room ceiling, scrubbed down the two decks, took 6 feet of the front hedge and other odds and sods. Time wasn't totally spent doing chores, I also caught up with Jon Profitt (poker night and pub quiz), went fishing with Gav with the Kayaks (caught 2 Mau Mau), went Diving with Mark and his work mates round the coast for Paua, and a spot of house hunting with Mark and Caitlin around the North Taranaki coastline. Christmas eve Megan and I went out on the town in the Naki and caught up with some old school mates, afterwards we went to midnight mass (a wee bit tipsy) and stretched our vocal chords. Christmas was a family affair, I think we had 17 in total. Most of us went for the compulsory Xmas swim quite early. Then after brekkie we congregated at Marks place and rapidly went through the present session. Xmas lunch was at huge feast around the table-tennis table which was wonderfully orchestrated by Mum. The afternoons entertainment was a 9 hole pitch and putt course designed by me around the lawns at 39 and 41 Hamblyn st. 4 teams of 4, the winning team at the end was Julie, Sange, Mark and Rob N. Great fun was had by all. Prebbles had to leave to their batch late afternoon, so that was Xmas 2008. Boxing day was all about sports. GB, Dad Megan and I with G'dad as caddy/coach had a round at Manakorihi, some good and not so good golf at the same time. I had a 98 with a few pars and a birdy but a few 9's to boot. Tennis in the afternoon was rotating doubles at Boys' High, good fun. A swim rounded off an active boxing day.
On the 27th Gav and I took off in his/my car towards the east coast, we collected Chloe in Rotovegas on the way before staying with the Prebs at their batch at lake Rotoiti. Weather wasn't that flash so we spent the majority of the short visit playing cards or soaking in the hot pools. GB dropped me off in a wet Ohope. Ohope was all about chilling out. I crashed at the old flat above the Dairy. Jamie and Dan Lynch, Tim, Dan Hall and Carl were all there, as well as about 7 girls (friends of Jamie's sister) Most days were a mix of beers on the deck and swims. We also played indoor sports at Trident Gym, beach soccer, beach volleyball, frisbee and many many games of euchre. A spot of fishing was also on the cards, both off the spit and on the boat with Graham. We weren't that successful onshore but managed to catch snapper, trevali and Kawai on the boat. I caught up with a few mates in Ohope, Jules, Ivan and jase. Other memorable moments were nights playing darts at the charty, seeing the New Year in on the deck with the firewoks on the beach and watching the cricket (aus v SA) on the TV. Around the third I hitched up to the Mount and caught up with the Houston's and M+D. Drove to Hamilton where M+I caught an extremely slow bus back to N.P. at least the bus driver was enthusiastic. While I was on holiday my visa came through, so I brought my flights forward a few days. Had a few relationship issues with Sarah so decided it was time to move on. So my long kiwi summer was nearing an end, great weather, good family + mates time and visa sorted. I kind of got that end of school holiday feeling, but at the same time I was looking forward to continuing my OE. So caught a flight up to Auckland and flew out on the 15th January after goodbyes. Ka kite NZ.
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