Wednesday 15 April 2009

Back to London

The long haul flight was broken up by a night stop off in South Korea, Snow greeted us there so it was a bit of a shock coming from 25 deg heat back at home. We stayed at the Hyatt which was pretty flash. Sat next to an Irish couple from Gallway on the way back who were friendly. Got into London on a Friday night and walked straight into a flat party (Eddie’s leaving doo), so had a great night despite the jet lag. The end of January was a tough time, I was discovering ending a relationship when there is other joint financial commitments is never easy. For instance I was finding it hard to flick our room when the rental market was as flat as it was (partly due to the recession). In the meantime, I threw myself back into work. It was going to be a very busy first half of the year for DUCO with the closure of the Swindon carcass manufacturing plant and the moving of part of it to the Slough factory. And not to mention the drama’s at the end of last year with the explosion. I am now essentially a quality engineer, where my role now is to reduce the amount of waste from poor quality product. It’s not an easy role being a quality detective but I do like the challenge and am always busy. So back at the flat I had a few games of squash with new mate Rob, he did give me a spanking mind you. One of the highlights of those few weeks was the big snow dump we had in London, which was one of the craziest things I have seen. It began snowing on Sunday night and when we woke up on Monday morning there was 1 ft of snow covering everything! Almost every mode of transport in the city ground to a standstill so 80% of people didn’t go to work! So the flat and I made snowmen, and I towed the flatmates skiing down the street on my bike.

Fast forward a couple of months, and things are a lot more settled have found a great new flat in Ealing Broadway with nice bunch of people, Stu (English), Aileen (Irish) and Sandra and Katy (Kiwi's).

Now spring is definitely here the daffodils are out and the days are lengthening. I went to my first premiership football game, Fulham v Blackburn and have been have some good times with the London gaming club.

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